
Inclusions, Inclusion Engineering and Clean Steels

Inclusions, Inclusion Engineering and Clean Steels Inclusions are non-metallic compounds and precipitates which form in steel during its production and ...
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Automation, Instrumentation and Modelling of Continuous Casting of Steel

Automation, Instrumentation and Modelling of Continuous Casting of Steel Continuous casting process for liquid steel is a process whereby the ...
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Automation, Control and Modelling of Basic Oxygen Steelmaking

Automation, Control and Modelling of Basic Oxygen Steelmaking In the basic oxygen steelmaking process, the basic oxygen furnace or converter ...
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Automation Control and Modelling of Electric Arc Furnace

Automation Control and Modelling of Electric Arc Furnace The electric arc furnace (EAF) constitutes the main process in scrap / ...
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Blast Furnace Process Automation, Measurement, and Control System

Blast Furnace Process Automation, Measurement, and Control System The efficient operation of the modern blast furnace needs a high degree ...
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Green Steelmaking

Green Steelmaking The average annual temperature of the earth is rising since the industrial revolution. This is mainly due to ...
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Automation and Control System of Sinter Plant

  Automation and Control System of Sinter Plant Sintering process (Fig 1) is a metallurgical process carried out on a ...
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Automation, Control, and Measurement System of Coke Oven Plant

Automation, Control, and Measurement System of Coke Oven Plant Metallurgical coke is used in iron and steel industry processes (primarily ...
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Important aspects of Rolling of Hot Rolled Coil in Hot Strip Mill

Important aspects of Rolling of Hot Rolled Coil in Hot Strip Mill Continuous cast slabs having thicknesses higher than 200 ...
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Life cycle assessment and steel sustainability

Life cycle assessment and steel sustainability The steel industry is the second largest industry in the world after oil and ...
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Hydrogen and Decarbonization of Steel Production

Hydrogen and Decarbonization of Steel Production The main drivers for a sustainable energy future centre around the need to (i) ...
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Wastewater and Water Treatment Technologies

Wastewater and Water Treatment Technologies Cheap and plentiful, water was for centuries a production utility which the steel industry took ...
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Flue Gas Cleaning Technologies and Systems

Flue Gas Cleaning Technologies and Systems Environmental pollution is one of the biggest problems all over the world at present ...
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