
Vigilant Organization

Vigilant Organization All organizations are vulnerable to missing signals because of the limited attention, competing priorities, and frequently, a lack ...
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Marketing Strategy

Marketing Strategy The concept of marketing is inherently simple having the basic principle that the success of the organization is ...
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Marketing Intelligence and Related Concepts

Marketing Intelligence and Related Concepts  Information is an important resource in an organization since it helps the organization in achieving ...
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Management styles

Management styles Organizations are increasingly aware of the importance of human capital and its impact on the success or failure ...
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McKinsey 7S Framework Model

McKinsey 7S Framework Model McKinsey 7S framework model is a strategic planning tool designed to help an organization to understand ...
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Influence of Internal Environment on the Organization

Influence of Internal Environment on the Organization  The organization is a complex and dynamic socio-economic system. It has an open ...
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Influence of External Environment on Organization

Influence of External Environment on Organization Organization is regarded as a human activity which is concerned with the production and ...
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Organizational Stakeholders

Organizational Stakeholders Stakeholders are those persons who are affected by or have an effect on the organization. Stakeholders can also ...
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Organizational Strategy

Organizational Strategy In the present globalization era, an organization is required to face several challenges for capturing the opportunities. The ...
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Human Resource Planning

Human Resource Planning Human resource planning (HRP), also known as ‘man-power planning’, is the process of anticipating and carrying out ...
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Total Productive Maintenance

Total Productive Maintenance Organizations have been facing challenges world-wide in recent times because of high competitiveness and continuous search for ...
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Condition Based Maintenance and CBM+ Management

Condition Based Maintenance and CBM+ Management The growth of global competition has led to remarkable changes in the way industrial ...
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Reliability Centered Maintenance and its Role in Maintenance Management

Reliability Centered Maintenance and its Role in Maintenance Management Reliability centered maintenance (RCM) and variations thereof are used by several ...
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Preventive Maintenance Management Techniques

Preventive Maintenance Management Techniques  Manufacturing system consisting of facilities and equipments are important resource for an organization. These are constantly ...
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Predictive Maintenance Management Techniques

Predictive Maintenance Management Techniques Maintenance cost is a major part of the total operating cost in all manufacturing plants. Depending ...
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