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Reliability Centered Maintenance and its Role in Maintenance Management

Reliability Centered Maintenance and its Role in Maintenance Management Reliability centered maintenance (RCM) and variations thereof are used by several organizations world-wide to address a host of reliability issues in order to improve ‘overall equipment effectiveness’ (OEE) while controlling the ‘life-cycle cost’ (LCC) inherent with physical asset management. RCM techniques are applied to any machinery …

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Preventive Maintenance Management Techniques

Preventive Maintenance Management Techniques  Manufacturing system consisting of facilities and equipments are important resource for an organization. These are constantly being used for adding value to the products produced by the organization. Hence, the facilities and equipments are to be kept healthy and in good operating condition for avoiding excessive downtime and also interruption in …

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Data Analysis Techniques

Data Analysis Techniques Every organization collects a large volume of data during its day-to-day operation. This data is of little use till it is organized, and analyzed to extract useful information from it. Data analysis technique constitutes the science of examining raw data with the purpose of drawing conclusions about the information contained in the …

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Terms used in Statistical Analysis

Terms used in Statistical Analysis Statistics is the scientific discipline which provides methods to help the people to make sense of the data. It is the science of learning from data. It is a set of methods used to analyze data. One of the goals with statistics is to extract information from data to get …

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